Home » New U.S. Missile with a Range of 500 Kilometers Could Enhance Military Superiority Against Iran

New U.S. Missile with a Range of 500 Kilometers Could Enhance Military Superiority Against Iran

by shibhaljazeera

Shibhaljazeera Net | International News

The Israeli newspaper “Globes” published a report on a new U.S. missile called the “AIM-174B,” developed to reach a range of 500 kilometers, allowing it to strike targets deep within enemy territory without getting close to air defense systems. The new missile, which was first revealed in July, is launched from U.S. Navy F-18 aircraft stationed on aircraft carriers. It is a modified version of the “SM-6” missile used by the U.S. Navy to intercept drones and ballistic missiles.

The newspaper reported that the arrival of the “Lincoln” aircraft carrier in the Middle East could allow the deployment of these aircraft equipped with the new missiles, enabling the United States to enhance its ability to strike targets in Iran. The missile, which weighs 1.6 tons and costs $4.3 million, represents, according to the newspaper, a significant shift in the military balance of power, especially in the face of potential threats from China and Iran.

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